International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) on Monday introduced a new processor chip for enterprise hybrid cloud computing. Samsung‘s industry-leading manufacturing technology, combined with IBM’s CPU designs, would produce the POWER10 chip. Through this endeavor, Samsung would realize its objective of challenging rivals such as Taiwan’s TSMC and U.S.-based Qualcomm in the global non-memory chip market by manufacturing IBM’s processor chip.
The IBM POWER10 focuses on energy efficiency and a performance of up to three times higher workload capacity, container density and processor energy efficiency than its predecessor, the IBM POWER9 processor.
The processor, completed in five years through several new and pending patents, became an essential development in IBM’s path for POWER. The IBM POWER10-based servers with hardware for Red Hat OpenShift would soon bring the future of the hybrid cloud. The availability of IBM POWER10 systems would happen in the second half of 2021.
IBM POWER10 Chip Innovations
The POWER10 chip innovations consist of support for Multi-Petabyte Memory clusters called Memory Inception intended to upgrade cloud capacity for intensive memory workloads. The chip also features a significantly faster encryption performance. The new processor core architectures of POWER10 chip include AI and Math Matrix Accelerator for faster AI interpretation without requiring additional hardware.
In the rapidly growing high-technology industry, cyberattacks continue to persist and evolve. The newly identified susceptibilities could cause disruptions as companies wait for solutions. IBM POWER10 would provide users with proactive execution register control. The users could plan applications that resist attacks with minimal performance loss to enable clients to defend their systems against particular new application vulnerabilities in real-time.
Samsung unveiled its plan last year to inject 133 trillion won ($115.7 billion) by 2030 to develop its industry in the non-memory and foundry business to take the highest position in the high-tech industry.
The company said that the investment would compose of 73 trillion won ($61.6 billion) for the local research and development and 60 trillion ($50.6 billion) won for infrastructure.