Samsung Electronics unveiled and launched the industry’s highest-performing 24G SAS (SAS-4) solid-state drive (SSD), the PM1653. According to Samsung, the PM1653 is also the industry’s first 24G SAS storage to incorporate over 100 vertical NAND layers. Thanks to this development, the PM1653 delivers maximum capacity and speed, efficiently managing enterprise servers’ AI and big data assignments.
Fostering the 24G SAS Ecosystem
Samsung also designed the new drive to support an 800GB to 30.72TB storage capacity, optimized explicitly for premium server systems. The enterprise market’s need for a 24G SAS ecosystem has recently grown exponentially, increasing the host bus adapter (HBA) demand. Accordingly, Samsung teamed up with major HBA manufacturer Broadcom Inc. to guarantee a smooth shift to the new SAS era.
According to Jas Tremblay, General Manager of Broadcom’s Data Center Solutions Group, Broadcom highly values 24G SAS products’ innovation. In particular, Broadcom supports Samsung and the PM1653 SSD’s capabilities to develop new technologies targeted at the enterprise server industry.
By integrating the PM1653 with Broadcom’s next-gen SAS RAID devices, the two companies improved RAID 5 products’ performance five-fold. Tremblay also noted that this technological development is vital to establishing the 24G SAS ecosystem and meeting its high demands.
Delivering High-Performance Enterprise Server Solutions
“As the leading provider of SAS storage for a decade, Samsung has been offering the most advanced and reliable enterprise solutions in full support of the critical workloads of global server OEMs, governments, and financial institutions,” said Park Kwang-Il, Senior Vice President of Samsung Electronics’ Memory Product Planning Team.
Park also said that the company would continue cooperating with customers to address the enterprise server market’s fast-growing demand for the best products available. To this end, Samsung would take advantage of its US National Institute of Standards and Technology-accredited solutions, improving data security.
Samsung also optimized PM1653 to deliver high-performance enterprise server solutions, providing an 800K IOPS, the industry’s fastest random read speed. Moreover, the random read speed is a fundamental SSD performance benchmark. The PM1653’s sequential read speed also reaches up to 4,300MB per second, the highest available 24G SAS interface speed. The South Korean advanced memory tech leader said that PM1653’s sequential read speed doubles the previous-generation drives’ speed.
In addition to producing high-performance solutions, the PM1653 includes a dual-port network. With this feature, Samsung’s new drive quickly resolves operational failures and delivers advanced enterprise server reliability. In January, Samsung also released the 870 EVO, a super-fast, wide-ranging SATA solution with increased performance. Finally, the tech company aims to start PM1653’s mass-production during this year’s second half.