LG Electronics said that it currently develops an autonomous robot that utilizes ultraviolet light C (UV-C) for disinfecting frequently touched and visited places. LG makes it possible by combining its expertise in consumer-friendly autonomous vehicles, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
The company intends to offer a UV robot to hospitality businesses, retail establishments, education, and corporate sectors in the US by 2021.
Roh Kyu-chan, LG’s robot business division head, said that the autonomous ultraviolet robot served as a timely project when hygiene becomes the top priority for everyone. Consumers could rely on the machine to help sanitize surfaces and reduce exposures to harmful bacteria and viruses.
The UV robot would enable a new standard of hygiene and sanitation to disinfect spaces mostly visited and touched by people. LG would officially unveil the UV robot at the Digital Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Event next year.
The LG UV robot could move and travel easily along with tables, chairs, other furniture, and open spaces. It ensures disinfection of multiple areas on a single battery charge and treats surfaces within 15 to 30 minutes.
Moreover, the robot includes a programmable system that integrates cleaning procedures without trained individuals to operate the machine. An establishment’s personnel could remotely monitor the its progress easily through updates sent to their mobile devices.
A built-in safety lock also ensures minimal exposure of employees to UV rays. The robot features motion detection sensors and an emergency stop button that activate the lock.
Roh Kyu-chan also stated that LG’s customers could expect a new sanitation and hygiene level, especially with the current situation. LG commits to utilizing its extensive capabilities for improving and creating solutions in facing challenges in the future. The company would exhaust its varied expertise in artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and robotics to develop the best solutions.