Starting from 2020, Hyundai Motor Group will start mass-producing self driving cars.
Hyundai Motor Group is wrapping up internal and partnered development of core technologies this year and will work with outside companies. Meanwhile the South Korean government is also preparing laws and safety standards for the upcoming self-driving market which is expected to meet consumers in 2020.
“We plan to have major R&D finish developing self-driving cars by end of this year at the center of Namyang Research Institute.”
High-ranking official of Hyundai Motor Group.
Hyundai Mobis is developing short, medium and long-range radars, V2X modules, and steering systems that use cameras and sensors. Hyundai MENsoft is finishing up its 16,000km (10,000 miles) long HD map that covers Korean highways by first half of this year.
The self-driving car that Hyundai Motor Group is preparing to mass-produce by 2020 will be a “Level 3” of the SAE self-driving standard ‘J3016’. Level 3 supports complete self-driving under certain circumstances.
Level 4 self-driving cars jointly developed by a US startup, Aurora, are scheduled for mass-production in 2021.
“In order to move from level 2 to level 3, IT interface such as HD map and network is required. We have been working with third-party companies and can apply this to mass-production next year.”
Hyundai Motor Group.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is preparing laws and regulations to promote safe commercialization of self-driving cars by 2020. By reviewing current law now, the ministry wants to build the proper infrastructure for the upcoming transportation innovation.